Mementos From the Friendly Skies
Back in the day, airline bags were given free to first class passengers. With convenient adjustable straps, these vinyl, zippered carriers sported the airline s logo and were considered by many as status symbols of the jetsetters.
As a child, I did not really pay attention to that. So I did not even think of asking my dad why he had one hidden in his bedroom closet amidst the jumble of clothes and knick-knacks. All I knew was that the bag called to me, enticing me to discover the treats that await, like a can of mixed nuts or a bag of imported candies.When family members would come home from trips abroad, among the pasalubong they handed out to us kids were special airline pens, stationery, playing cards, and airline wings pins. We enjoyed peeling off the cellophane wrap and sniffing in the scent of a fresh deck of cards. But what really gave us a kick was pinning on our airline wings to our shirts. Having those pins on us made us feel important and gave us the impetus to dream bigger, loftier dreams. The boys wanted to become pilots and the girls, stewardesses.
Dare I disclose these? Was I not guilty myself? I was, after all, a beneficiary of toothbrushes, toothpastes, colognes, postcards, pillows, blankets, etc. These paraphernalias were readily available to the passengers for the taking with just a quick trip to the "lavatory" (sa CR). However, a line was drawn somewhere. Obviously, the stewardesses never expected that it was their last time to see some of the cutlery and glass tumblers they handed out to in-flight diners on the Amsterdam to New York route.
Years passed and Mr. Airline Executive became part of the family. We knew that through all the dinners and parties he attented at home, he subsequently found out about the family s secret. We never heard of him mentioning this to his wife, unless my aunt just kept it to herself. To this day, he remains a quiet, retired gentleman with nary a remark about our mementos from the friendly skies.
More Random Recall Machine: All-Time Wonder Guy Popeye!
Also Read: Remembering Philippine Airlines in the 70's
Technorati Tags:70s, 80s, memories, nostalgia
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