Nostalgia Manila Friends Link List
Here is a list of Nostalgia Manila friends who have been fans of this blog since the very beginning. If you'd like to have your URL added to this list, please follow these simple instructions:
1) Write a simple review on your site or blog about Nostalgia Manila, about 30 words will do. Make sure you add a link (anchor text: "Nostalgia Manila") that points back to this blog in your review.
Example: "[Link:Nostalgia Manila] is a really fun blog that covers everything cool about the 70's and 80's! You'll be amazed at how much stuff this blog covers, you can even watch episodes of your favorite cartoons and tv shows!"
2) Add the fun Nostalgia Manila Chicklet to your site or blog. Send me an email at: nostalgiamanilamail[at]yahoo[dot]com and give me the URL of the review you posted. After checking out your review, and knowing that you added the Nostalgia Manila Chicklet, I will then add you to this list. Thank you!
A Gypsy's Haven
A Taste Of Life
Aaron Roselo
Airs In G
Ajay's Writings On The Wall
And Walk Away
Ang Anino Ni Abaniko
Anything Under The Sun
Argentum Odysseys
Avy's Anguish
Bakya Shirts
Billycoy's Blasted Brain
Blissfully Bare's Weblog
Box Of Recollections
Buhay Bisikleta
Captain's Log
Captured Moments
Cathy Chronicles
Crazy Drunk Guy
Culture Shiok
Dabawenya Babe
Dessa Girl's World
Eating The Sun
Eche Blah Blah
Finestkind Clinic & Fish Market
Freedom Of Technology
fruityoaty Blog
Gio Paredes
High Denzity
I Am Jay
I Set No Corner
Iloilo City Boy
Jaypee Online
Jun Anteola
Kadramahan. Kalokohan. Kakulitan.
Komikero ni Gerry Alanguilan
Kwentong Tambay
La La Land
Letters From Canberra
Life in High Heels and Miniskirts
Life's Slice & Topspins
Lost Luna
Maia Jose
Manila Mom
Manuel L Quezon III
Master Betong
Memoirs Of Imnas
Message Sending Failed
Mga Muni-Muni
Mga Turo Ni Tito Rolly
Midlife Mysteries
Moderately Confused
Mommyba's Journey
Moo Pare!
My Arms Fold Back
My L'il Nook
My SariSari Store
Myke's Comic Book & Some
Oblivious Observer
Parallel Universes
Photo Junkie
Pinay G-Spot
Pinky & The City
Pinoy Atbp
Pinoy Blogosphere
Pinoy Centric
Pinoy Explorer
Planetang Pinoy Sci-Fi
Political Pinoy
Pond Perspective
Pop Juno
Project Manila
Pulse Circle
Punzi's Corner
Radio Blog Club
Rockett Ride
Running On Stilettos
Santong Busabos
Sari-Saring Sineng Pinoy
Soul Seeker
StaticBlue Creations
Subway Productions
Sugar Kurls
The Candishhh Tales
The Comic Blurb
The Composed Gentleman
The Idiot Board
The Philippine Experience
The Pinoy
The Rude Awakening
This Other Eden
Transposable Element
Walk This Way
Watson Online
Witness Lane
Wordsmith's Window
Zephyr Touch
Zero Voltage

1 comment:
you are really in Manila rightnow or just nostalgia??.
How I get my link on your blog friends?.
I'm from Indonesia..
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