March 30, 2007

Commercial Break: Magnolia Ice Cream 1978

For more Commercial Nostalgia, check out: Magnolia Ice Cream House 1978

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  1. Anonymous8:44 PM

    interestingly, i just visited that place in aurora blvd two nites ago and ordered the classic banana split. yes, for nostalgia purposes. i wanted to feel the feeling of parking in the vast parking area just like when we were kids and the family car would bring us there. i wanted to smell the crisp scent of dry ice, too! but the establishment, though still open (and was given a retro look) is now run by Nestle. the intriguing part is that Magnolia runs a small store across the street now.

    Goodluck sa Phil Blog Awards! You should win because I really admire your blog's concept!

  2. And the classic jingle:

    The ice cream flavor
    Flavor of the month"

    Followed by that woman's voice:
    "For April
    Luscious mango with macapuno drippings
    Only from Magnolia"

    Ah, sweet delicious memories of Magnolia.

  3. jove francisco,

    Maraming salamat!

    paul ancheta,

    That's so cool you remember the jingle! Good for you! Thanks for sharing this with the readers.

  4. Anonymous9:11 AM

    sniff! i miss the good old days when they make ice cream the old fashioned way. give me back my (orig) magnolia! :)

  5. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Does the ice cream taste different back then?
