April 17, 2007

Gigi Santos-Castaneda Photo '70s

Time is frozen in a single frame of film. Every bit of detail is perfectly captured by the camera lens. These photos take us back to those wonderful days when everything seemed so fresh and new, those days we wished would last forever. Relive those special moments in your life, and share your memories with Photo Nostalgia!

This photo was taken in front of our house when it was just newly-built. If you told our neighbors that this was how our house looked like before the trees covered the entire property, they probably wouldn't believe you. My sisters and I were trying to figure out what was going on when this picture was taken (especially none of them are in it, only me). It could be that my grandfather and cousins were checking out the house at the time and I wanted to see my grandpa's Malibu (the parked car) which he was so proud of. If you look closely at the square blocks on the front wall, you may notice that each one is a character in the ancient alibata alphabet. It's my favorite part of my house -- too bad no one can see the wall through the plants and trees anymore.

Many thanks to our friend Gigi Santos-Castaneda who shared this wonderful family photo with us.

Send your old photos and memories to: nostalgiamanilamail[at]yahoo[dot]com, write "Photo Nostalgia" on the subject line, and we'll feature it here on Photo Nostalgia.

More Photo Nostalgia: Regina Theresa Photo '70s

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  1. Anonymous1:41 PM

    It's funny seeing this picture. I can still remember the way grandpa's car smelled inside, when he drove the kids around. Anyway, in case anyone's wondering, I was the smallest kid (in diapers), being held up by my cousins.

  2. Anonymous12:59 AM

    i love the cars, love the architecture. If you've seen The Incredibles, these were how the cars and houses look like. Architecture during that time were quite minimalist and had some zen characteristics in it.

  3. is this in magallanes vilage by ay chance???
