April 01, 2007

A few words to some of the Philippine Blog Awards volunteers

As you all know I appointed JJ Juno as the official representative to attend the 2007 Philippine Blog Awards ceremony on behalf of Nostalgia Manila. I received many emails from wonderful and supportive fans that were all so kind to offer attending the awards ceremony for me, but it was JJ whom I felt was perfect for the task. He spoke of Nostalgia Manila with such admiration, and was much honored to represent one of the finalists.

To my disappointment, it was sad to hear JJ's accounts of how he was mistreated by some of the volunteers. Let us all remember that the intention behind the Philippine Blog Awards is a great gesture facilitated by its hardworking organizers. To recognize the accomplishments of the Filipino's presence in the blogosphere is something to be taken seriously, and I am quite sure that the organizers envisioned the event to exude with class and dignity.

Treating my representative in a very classless manner is more than just being rude, but it also misrepresents the great message behind such an event. As volunteers, your job is to meet and greet all the attendees and make sure they feel welcome. You must treat everyone with utmost respect, especially those that took time off from their busy schedule to represent one of the finalists. To make my representative feel akward with your cheap snide remarks, cheapen the quality of the event as well.

I am very disappointed with all of you that did this to my appointed representative. It is not only insulting to one person, but it is also insulting to the entire Nostalgia Manila community. It is my hope that the organizers will take note of this unfortunate detail, and that precautions be made when screening the quality of volunteers for next year's event. Maintaining only the highest of standards as guidelines will not only ensure great success, but satisfaction and praise from everyone.


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  1. That's a sad news. Wondering though what really happened....

  2. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Again, in behalf of the roster of volunteers during the awards night, I'd like to extend my heartfelt apology for what happened.

    The organizers were all thankful that people actually took time to help with the preparation for the event in spite of their busy schedules too. They needed all the help they could get, and "screening the quality of volunteers", I personally think, would be highly uncalled for since the organizers know most, if not all, volunteers. This might just have been a case of miscommunication and callousness on our part at that certain time, and we apologize.

    Congratulations for being one of the finalists. And thanks for the "few words." Take care. :)

  3. To Shari,

    No worries and no need for apologies. I commend you and all the other volunteers for all your hard work. It's always good to keep in mind that as volunteers you have a special role or duty to uphold in events like this where a bit of professionalism is needed. Perhaps it would be a bit wiser to save any sort of casual talk or jokes for the after-party. To maintain this sort of frame of mind while the event is taking place should make a whole lot of difference.

    Thanks for leaving this message. It’s good to hear both sides of the story.

  4. Anonymous8:44 AM

    NM, sorry of that happened to your rep that night. JJ and I actually chatted but he never mentioned to me what happened to him. I was actually hoping to meet you in person as I'm a fan of your blog. I sent JJ my apologies as well.

  5. Abe,

    No apologies needed Sir Yuga. JJ did tell me that you were so kind and made everyone feel welcome. He also mentioned that everyone had such a great time at the after-party as you entertained your guests. Indeed you are a great host! Congratulations to the success of the first Phil Blog Awards, and thanks very much for putting this together.

    Also a big fan of your amazing work,

  6. that's just sad!i hope they do something about it!
